It turns out I was right, of course, about this blog. I started it with good intentions, but forgot about it much like I thought I would. However, and I say this lightly, I received an iPad on vacation visiting my family and have decided to try writing and updating my blog more often. Again, who knows how long this will last, but I owe it to myself to try. My goal is to write SOMETHING everyday. Either about the events of the day, as I often find myself surrounded by hilarity and chaos, or something I'm thankful for, or something cynical, the kind of writing I do best. Of course I don't expect everything to be witty or brilliant, although it will be. And no one will read it, which is already a shame. But at least I'll finally do something I said I'd do. It'll be like in the movie Julie and Julia, only this story doesn't end with Julia Child calling me a bitch. Because she's dead.