I've always felt I was a focused person, but the older I've grown I've come to realize that's not the case at all. For example, I'd say I was focused when it came to theatre, but that wasn't necessarily true, for I was more all over the place doing everything theatre related, i.e. costumes, directing, acting, improv, you name it. And even if you do call that focused, I often ditched the majority of my classes to do theatre work, counterproductive, wouldn't you say?
I'm an easily distracted person, I'm not talking shiny objects or flashes of light, but more(and here's the lack of focus talking) I'm easily interested in constantly changing. How did I once put it to my good friend Christina? "You change your career goals like you wake up and choose what kind of underwear to put on in the morning." Perhaps that's why we get along so well. I believe it's the same for her as it is for me, there are just too many things I want to do, but I can't seem to choose the one to focus on. I also believe, for me, I CAN focus, but I lack the motivation for the follow through. Is it I'm afraid to fail? Is it I know others want it more than me? Whatever the psycho-babble tells me, I realized this morning, as I climbed into my Gymboree battle wear that I need to focus.
"Wake up!" my brain yelled. "Drink us some coffee and get a move on!" And so I did.
There is a road, it way not be the one less traveled on, or any other cliche flowery literary reference, but it is a statement made about underwear that gets my ass in gear.
How appropriate.
#988 The Gas Arrow
23 hours ago